Sonohysterogram is an ultrasound combined with installation of saline into the uterus that is used to detect abnormalities in the uterine cavity such as polyps and fibroids. Most commonly it is used to evaluate bleeding abnormalities and infertility.

Very small risk of bleeding and infection
Pre-procedure preparation
Make sure you are not pregnant, either by using adequate birth control or performing the procedure during the early phase of menstrual cycle (before ovulation). Take an anti-inflammatory such as Ibuprofen an hour or two before to prevent cramping. If you are post-menopausal or have a scarred cervix you may be prescribed a medication called Cytotec to insert into the vagina several hours before the procedure to soften and open the cervix.
After the sonographer performs a traditional vaginal probe ultrasound, the doctor will insert a speculum into your vagina and cleanse the cervix. A small tube or catheter is placed into the cervix. The speculum is removed. The vaginal probe ultrasound is reinserted into your vagina. A small amount of saline is infused into the uterine cavity in order to highlight any irregularities in the surface of the uterus (endometrium). You may experience mild cramping. The probe and catheter are removed.
Notify us if you have unusual discharge or bleeding. If you have any residual cramping (rare), you should continue anti-inflammatory medication.
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